Stranded In Town

May 6 2008, 9:31 PM

Monday, May 05,2008
SubjectStranded in town.
Okay. Me and my older sister were planning our day out, because we decided to hang out with eachother yesterday. We cleaned up our house and got dress right but

then we noticed that we had no way to get there. While we were trying to find a ride my other sister got in a argument with my other sister because she broke her new sunglasses. Greatly, they settled it and my sister Q has to just buy my sister Jas some new ones from ForLove21. After all that we still didn\'t have no ride to the mall. So my sister was calling up all her friends who she knew had a car to get us to the mall and then we find a way back home, right. That wasn't going good so far, but around 4 somthing we finally got a ride from her friend J-----. Yeah we got the ride but he took like half a hour to get to our place.SUCCESSFULLY we got the mall walked around for awhile and then i brought some sneakers from Vans.We then stopped in the food court grabbed some burger king. Then my sister got mad because she wanted some ice cream but the ice cream lady said they weren\'t selling anymore ice cream but two min. later people came up and ordered some ice cream and you know that just p.i.s.s.e.d my sister off, but she decided to be an adult(two more years before that is)and just leave it alone. So we decided to leave now since we had nothing else to do in the mall. My sis said her other friend said he was going to pick us up but he.s in the military and he couldn\'t get off when he said he was. This day was just so UGH!! Then we decide to walk to her friends job which is just round the corner. We staid there and chilled with her friend who was hilarious and her co-worker was funny too. My sister other friend worked there too and was friends with the girl who we was chillin\' with. She got her to come pick us up but before we left we we\'re horsin\' around driving the carts through the groccery store jokin' ppl(erica). We even took pictures. So we had fun after awhile minus the miss car rides and all.

my big sis and me


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  • Female
  • 15 years old


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Last update May 6, 2008



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